Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Beef Jerky Time!

Thank you to Kristof and Watson for hosting the resurrection of Adapplebees Movie Night, also known as "Educating Kristof". The choice was between classics When Harry Met Sally and Trading Places. Of course Trading Places won, and so we settled in for some BEEF JERKY TIME.

For the record: the film holds up. Is comic masterpiece.

Hot topics of the evening as follows:


They are real and really really great. But Jaime Lee Curtis' mannish appearance....it's like would you want the best boobs in the world but on a tranny? Yet not a tranny. Discuss.

Farcical Blackface

Dan Ackroyd: Nenge? Nenge Mboko? It is me, Lionel Joseph!
Eddie Murphy: Lionel! From the African Education Conference!
DA: Yah, mon, I was Director of Cultural Activities at the Haile Selassie Pavilion.
EM: I remember the pavilion - we had big fun there!
Both: Boo-boo yah, boo-boo yah, boo-boo yah, hah! Boo-boo yah, boo-boo yah, boo-boo yah, hah!
EM: Oh, memories!

Minnesota's Senator

Hi Al Franken! You look way smarter than former governor Jesse Ventura.


Collective "ew".
Gravlax on the bus...bonus points for beard. We are sure to see this on the 19 Polk at some point in our lives.

F.C.O.J. Yields Big

The ending is all "i'm on a boat".