Monday, May 17, 2010

Chunk Love Sloth...and Food

So I'm sitting here getting excited about all the food I can make for you all this Thursday night when it occurs to me that this party isn't starting until 9pm and everyone may have eaten already. So let me know what you're feeling. Popcorn and hot tamales? Appetizers only? Massive full frontal food? It goes without saying that dessert will have something to do with a Baby Ruth bar.
Looking forward to it.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Adapplebees Movie Night #1 5/20 9PM THE GOONIES

This blog is to commmemorate the first Adapplebees Movie Night, aka Adapplebees Movie Night #1. We are watching The Goonies.

I don't know if you're aware, but Nathan, Laura, and Chang went to college with Chunk, played by Jeff Cohen. He was the student president, ASUC Prez, in '95. In fact, I organized a movie night at Spens Black dormitory, we watched 'The Goonies' and 'Lost Boys' and invited him to speak for us beforehand.

Yes, he did do the truffle shuffle.