Sunday, April 29, 2012

Testing Pinterest Images

Nevermind that I'm using the Adapplebee's blog for business use. Carry on carry on, nothing to see here.

UGG Broome Boots ”UGG

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Beef Jerky Time!

Thank you to Kristof and Watson for hosting the resurrection of Adapplebees Movie Night, also known as "Educating Kristof". The choice was between classics When Harry Met Sally and Trading Places. Of course Trading Places won, and so we settled in for some BEEF JERKY TIME.

For the record: the film holds up. Is comic masterpiece.

Hot topics of the evening as follows:


They are real and really really great. But Jaime Lee Curtis' mannish's like would you want the best boobs in the world but on a tranny? Yet not a tranny. Discuss.

Farcical Blackface

Dan Ackroyd: Nenge? Nenge Mboko? It is me, Lionel Joseph!
Eddie Murphy: Lionel! From the African Education Conference!
DA: Yah, mon, I was Director of Cultural Activities at the Haile Selassie Pavilion.
EM: I remember the pavilion - we had big fun there!
Both: Boo-boo yah, boo-boo yah, boo-boo yah, hah! Boo-boo yah, boo-boo yah, boo-boo yah, hah!
EM: Oh, memories!

Minnesota's Senator

Hi Al Franken! You look way smarter than former governor Jesse Ventura.


Collective "ew".
Gravlax on the bus...bonus points for beard. We are sure to see this on the 19 Polk at some point in our lives.

F.C.O.J. Yields Big

The ending is all "i'm on a boat".


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Did you hear about H?

Am I the only one who sees a similarity between H and the super popular chick from any 80's movie? In this case, I'm seeing Amanda Peterson in Can't Buy Me Love. Especially if you picture her in that super hot white leather outfit she "borrowed" from her mom to wear to that party.

PS It's Amanda's birthday today. Happy birthday Amanda, and thanks for the memories.

H starred in a John Hughes movie...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Class of 94 1/2 Presents...A Memorable Night to Remember

Have you ever gone to high school? I know I have!
Ever feel like you peaked in high school? I know I do! (see below)
It's time for Adapplebees Movie Night #2
This Week's Movie Selection
Breakfast Club (1985)
This Week's Food
Fried chicken and waffles

Many of you have asked - just *how* cool were you guys in high school?!

We hate to brag but . . .

Monday, May 17, 2010

Chunk Love Sloth...and Food

So I'm sitting here getting excited about all the food I can make for you all this Thursday night when it occurs to me that this party isn't starting until 9pm and everyone may have eaten already. So let me know what you're feeling. Popcorn and hot tamales? Appetizers only? Massive full frontal food? It goes without saying that dessert will have something to do with a Baby Ruth bar.
Looking forward to it.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Adapplebees Movie Night #1 5/20 9PM THE GOONIES

This blog is to commmemorate the first Adapplebees Movie Night, aka Adapplebees Movie Night #1. We are watching The Goonies.

I don't know if you're aware, but Nathan, Laura, and Chang went to college with Chunk, played by Jeff Cohen. He was the student president, ASUC Prez, in '95. In fact, I organized a movie night at Spens Black dormitory, we watched 'The Goonies' and 'Lost Boys' and invited him to speak for us beforehand.

Yes, he did do the truffle shuffle.